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As a search consultancy we are regularly challenged to secure the industry’s finest executives for our clients. Upon client briefing our specific charter is to locate the candidate that best fits the needs of our client. At this point we follow a highly structured process that includes securing the interest of the candidate and ultimately a successful placement. I am often asked what are the circumstances that trigger the resultant move from one organization to another.

What me! Why?

Place yourself in this scenario. You are content in your position with favourable career prospects, and out of the blue you are contacted by a “Headhunter” to have a chat about some special opportunity. Most candidates are initially flattered which is followed by a sense of intrigue. Psychologically speaking from this point the process becomes most interesting from the perspective of both candidate and consultant. Interestingly once career drivers are shared we are able to convince the majority of our targeted audience to continue dialogue with us.

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