The passion for delivering career/personal advice and coaching within a family planning context has seen Ron play an active role with several HK and China based families. He remains truly proud to have played his part in the ongoing development of the persons referred, with regular contact maintained to this day.
A) The only child of a local HK based family (a son aged 25) had "lost his way" with his career and personal life, which translated in on-going conflict with his parents. Not willing to leave the safety of his bedroom and shutting down all forms of social contact, his mother turned to me in desperation. Over a number of informal sessions I sought to gain his confidence whilst lifting his self-esteem. Over time a number of highly sensitive facts were shared including the present dislike of his employer, coupled with the breakdown of the relationships with his parents. We jointly agreed to and put in place some action steps for him to pursue a new career, and through some tough love on my part made him aware of the pain he was causing his mother particularly. Now gainfully and happily employed with a high profile employer group, we meet socially quite regularly to rediscover the outgoing and confident nature that was missing months earlier. Socially bold this young man is happy and in a relationship, with parents very proud.
B) One of four children of a HK based family (a son aged 20) was in the final year of his commerce degree being undertaken in the UK. He was expected to present a thesis as part of his final grade and was struggling through a lack of inspiration. Seeking a fresh perspective he sought me out for some pragmatic advice. We adopted an online coaching platform that enabled him to successfully complete the required thesis, with his professor remarking on the creative way he approached a rather bland subject. On his return to HK we embarked on several one-on-one sessions whereby career planning advice was sought, in addition to structured learning with regards personal presentation, interviewing skills and how to best network and elevate his profile within the HK management consulting community. Just recently he sought my advice with regards a start-up IT business that he and several colleagues were in the process of establishing.
C) One of two children of a Chinese family (a son aged 23) and domiciled in Australia suddenly arrived in HK without the knowledge of his mother. With her son suffering from Asperger's Syndrome she made contact advising of this situation and seeking my assistance. For the ensuing four months until the arrival of his mother we provided all necessary guidance and support including psychological and psychiatric counselling (via noted HK practitioners) all supported by day-to-day confidence building activities. Without disclosing too much the young lad's and my life became positively intertwined with the experience gained truly profound. When it came time for his return to Australia he had one request of his mother. "I want Ron to travel with me." I gladly complied with his wish.